4 Categories of Business / Investment Licensing
There are several business or investment licenses in Indonesia that require an NIB. The following 4 categories are referred to.

Company registration and basic permissions
Registration and basic licensing in question are business registration or investment activities to obtain NIB and Basic Licensing in the form of BPJS registration signs for employment and health, as well as the ratification of the Plan for the Use of Foreign Workers (RPTKA) for companies that require foreign workers.

Environmental Permits and Building Standards
This permit is a permit required for business activities in accordance with the spatial and environmental regulations of an area where the company is building a building. Of course this is also adjusted to the building standards that have been determined and passed the feasibility of building functions from the SLF (Certificate of Appropriate Function).

Licensing for Business Activities or Investors
This license is related to the main activities of a business (in terms of production), such as; Industrial Business Permits, Trading Business Permits, Tourism Services Business Permits, Construction Services Business Permits, etc.

Commercial Licensing
Business licensing is very important in order to market a product, distribute products that have been made, export goods or services already made, and import some raw materials or components, or finished goods.

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The benefits of having an NIB
Seeing the importance of NIB in doing business, you definitely want to take care of it right away. When you take care of making the NIB, you certainly have many benefits when you already have an NIB. Here are the benefits that you will feel when you have an NIB in your business.

When you already have an NIB, you don't need to bother anymore about processing a Trading Business Permit (SIUP) and a Company Registration Certificate (TDP). The two letters are no longer really needed because they have been replaced by the NIB so that the files you have are even more concise.
The NIB can also be used as an Import Identification Number (API) and as customs access that entrepreneurs will need for export-import activities. This will also make it easier for you when you have to import your products.
When you are registering your company to get an NIB, you will also get other documents such as a company or individual NPWP, a letter of ratification of the Plan for the Use of Foreign Workers (RPTKA), a business license, notification of capital feasibility to obtain fiscal facilities, as well as proof of registration of BPJS Kesehatan participants. and Manpower which is a compulsory requirement of the company. Well, of course this NIB will guarantee your business is safer, more comfortable, and legal.

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