Definition of Plastic Surgery For Cosmetic Purpose

Definition and Summary

Plastic surgery is a medical procedure that focuses on the reconstruction or repair of physical defects and functional deficiencies in patients due to illnesses, injuries, congenital diseases and surgery that have ever been undertaken. The main purpose of this procedure is to restore the function of the skin, skull, and structure of the jaw (maxillofacial), spinal muscular system (musculoskeletal), breast, legs and hands, and genitals through a surgical repair. Plastic surgery also includes aesthetic reconstruction and surgical procedures aimed at improving the undesirable physical quality of normal body structures.

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Advantages of Plastic Surgery

The benefits of plastic surgery can be classified into two main groups: the benefits of repair (reconstructive) and beauty (aesthetics). Those who benefit from this process include:

Those who have congenital abnormalities such as webbed fingers, birthmarks, and cleft lip
Those who have burns or other serious injuries caused by accidents or natural disasters
Those who suffer from serious illnesses and must undergo surgical removal procedures, such as removal of cancerous tumors from the breast or face
Those who want to increase self-confidence by improving the balance and beauty of their bodies.

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How Plastic Surgery Is Performed

There are various techniques used in plastic surgery, all of which depend on the conditions when the surgery is performed. This procedure usually requires general or local anesthesia to control pain. The three most common methods are as follows:

Skin Graft - This procedure involves removing healthy skin from areas that are completely unaffected and then used to cover areas of skin that are damaged or want to be repaired. Skin grafting techniques are usually used to cover large wounds, burns, broken bones, cleft lips, and areas of the skin that are forced to be removed due to certain conditions such as cancer. The prepared skin is then attached using staples, glue and surgical clips, or stitches. The area that has been attached to the grafted skin is then covered for 5-7 days so that the wound resulting from the surgery dries completely.
Network Expansion - This technique involves stretching of tissues around the area. The plastic surgeon will insert a balloon-like device under the skin layer, which will then be filled with salt water to make the skin stretch. Once it is sufficient, the device will be pulled out, and new tissue will be placed in that location to replace damaged or lost skin.
Closing Surgery - Generally performed on surgical procedures for breast and cleft lip, this plastic surgery method involves tissue transfer, complete with a number of major blood vessels, from one part of the body to another. The way it works is similar to the skin graft technique, but this technique has a greater chance of success because the blood supply is provided directly by new tissue implanted in the damaged part.
In addition to the three techniques above, there are many plastic surgery methods available, including artificial or prosthetic devices, suctioning (closed-suction), and disguising creams that may be used by plastic surgeons depending on the conditions and needs of the patient.


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